News Riding

Handstands at 100mph Baja Reunion and Dual Sport Ride Dates Announced

September 6, 2022

By Kali Kotoski

Baja and Desert Champions, AMA, Offroad Motorsports and Trailblazer Hall of Famers Johnny Campbell and Scot Harden have announced the dates for the 2nd Annual Handstands at 100mph.

The events celebrate the heritage and legacy of the Baja and Desert motorcycle racing community. The first gathering of 2022 will be on September 24 and will feature a reunion and celebration at the Blackmore Ranch in Murrieta, California. The reunion will bring together the largest gathering of Baja/Desert motorcycle legends and champions. It will include historic motorcycle displays, autograph sessions, food, drink and more.

The second event–the Baja Borrego Dual Sport Ride—will feature a 130-mile ride in the Southern California desert on December 10.

“Last year’s event was a huge success that exceeded every expectation,” Scot Harden said. “The Baja/Desert motorcycle racing community responded enthusiastically, and we were overwhelmed by the response. Based on the feedback from the first event, we are planning some new activities, special presentations, and a bit more of a show for the 2nd annual Handstands reunion. We’ve also separated the reunion and dual sport ride so we could focus more time on each. The Handstands at 100mph Baja Borrego Dual Sport ride will be 130+ miles long and a true off-road/desert experience. In addition to the actual ride, Johnny and I will be doing a riding seminar the night before for everyone who attends. The ride will be epic, one that will challenge every rider.”

“I’m really looking forward to getting together again with our friends and family from the Baja/Desert motorcycle racing community,” commented Johnny Campbell. “The Blackmore Ranch facility is the perfect site for this special event. Plenty of space, beautiful scenery, and a great museum/workshop to host all our guests. This year we are really targeting the clubs and associations that are the backbone of the sport. NHHA, AMA D-37 & 38, SCORE, MRAN, MRANN and BITD. We want to see as many clubs as possible joining us for a full day of bench racing, camaraderie, and good times. Our mission remains the same: honor the heritage and legacy of those that have contributed so much to the sport while at the same time inspiring future generations to take on the challenge.”

Handstands at 100mph Reunion/Celebration activities start at 1:00 pm on Saturday, September 24. Autograph sessions, interviews, and commentary on Baja/Desert racing will occur during the day.

The Handstands at 100mph Baja Borrego Dual Sport Ride on December 10 will be based out of the Ocotillo RV Resort. The Dual Sport ride will be GPS guided and led by Johnny and Scot. It starts at 8:00 am and will be 130 miles in length.

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