Racers Posing with trophy

Advancement and Appeal

Rider Advancement List

These riders have been advanced based on their performance in the 2024 season. All advancements are processed under the guidelines of the National Points Advancement System or the Self Advancement process. The Advancement Lists are effective on Jan. 1, 2025, and the Self Advancement Lists are provided as additional information. If any errors or omissions are noted please contact AMA Racing.

For the most up-to-date and accurate information, please visit the AMA Race Center to view RPV and race classification.



Classification Appeal

Riders who wish to dispute or contest their AMA classification achieved during the current year through the National Advancement System may appeal one time. The AMA appeal process consists of a three-member board that will consider each appeal once and only once; there is no second opportunity to appeal

The deadline for appeals related to year-end advancement is March 1 (Off-Road) and April 1 (Motocross).

The appeal board will be made up of three AMA Congress representatives from the Motocross Competition Committee list. The appeal process can take several weeks while the appeal board works to render an informed and educated decision. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Claim: Injured motorcyclists are uninsured and disproportionately rely upon the public to pay for their injuries.

Response: Motorcyclists are just as likely to be privately insured as any other road user.

A medical center study1 reported that injured motorcyclists in the trauma center relied on public funds a lower percentage of the time than did automobile drivers to pay their hospital bills during the same time period.

A university study2 reported that automobile drivers and motorcyclists have their medical costs covered by insurance at a nearly identical rate.

Conclusion: Injured motorcyclists are less likely than the general population to use public funds to pay for injuries sustained in crashes, and no more likely to be uninsured than other vehicle operators.

A processing fee of $50 is required, payable by credit card. 

Yes, but only if you have been able to overcome the injury.

Every event is considered individually and reviewed according to rider turnout, rider performance, quality of competition, and other pertinent factors.

Yes. The higher your RPV, however, the more compelling your supporting information will need to be.

No, support will not be considered as part of this process.

No; the rider must meet the amateur advancement requirements in order to be advanced to the A class.

Yes, if you meet the advancement requirements. If your birthday falls on November 1st or after you do not meet the advancement requirements.

No. If you ever participated in the Loretta Lynn’s Amateur National you are no longer eligible for the “C” class, with the exception of any micro, girls or women classes unless otherwise specified.

Yes, it will help your appeal to have support of local promotors or other organizers who can comment credibly on your status and abilities.

Yes; there are no second appeals to the advancement. 

No, but offering the appeal board additional information to consider can likely help your appeal. Additional materials to consider include overall race results, lap times, details regarding any injuries sustained over the course of the season, supporting reference letters, racing history and other similar information. 

International Riders

Receive Approval for Eligibility for Non-US citizens: AMA International Rider Eligibility Application