Let the world know that you are a serious rider and that you support riders’ freedoms by proudly wearing an AMA Life Member patch and a pin.
You can get those, and more, at www.amagear.com. The patches and pins show everyone that you belong to the largest motorcyclist advocacy organization in the world.
A Charter Life Member patch, a Life Member patch, a Freedom patch or an AMA black patch are $5 each.
An AMA Life Member Plus pin is $10, a Charter Life member/25-year pin is $3, and a Life Member pin is $3. Other milestone-year pins including 70-year and 60-year pins are available for $7 each.
If you simply want to let people know that you are an AMAzing motorcyclist, you can do that by buying an “I’M AMA-ZING” jersey for $35.
All proceeds go toward promoting the motorcycle lifestyle and protecting the future of motorcycling.