The AMA’s podcast returns with 2019 AMA Motorcyclist of the Year Hayley Bell and community garage pioneer Liza Miller

Two prominent women motorcyclists talk about riding in the Feb. 10, 2021, episode of “On the Line with the AMA,” the AMA’s podcast about all things motorcycling.
Hayley Bell is the founder of the Women Riders World Relay and recipient of the 2019 AMA Motorcyclist of the Year Award. Bell is the founder and president of global business development for the Women Riders World Relay, a movement joined by thousands of motorcyclists from 84 countries to create a “global sisterhood of inspirational women” and to demonstrate to motorcycle manufacturers and makers of riding gear that female riders are a formidable and growing market that deserves their attention.

Liza Miller is the founder of one of the nation’s first community motorcycle cooperatives, the Re-Cycle Garage in Santa Cruz, and creator of the “Motorcycles & Misfits” podcast. Miller received a Friend of the AMA Award in 2019. Miller and her crew have been enthusiastic AMA supporters for years, have attended and promoted AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days and provide the AMA with a monthly 60-second PSA slot on “Motorcycles & Misfits.”
In this conversation, Bell and Miller talk about talk about the WRWR as well as their future two-wheel adventures.
“On the Line with the AMA” was launched in 2020 and features regular installments to raise awareness for both the AMA mission to promote the motorcycle lifestyle and protect the future of motorcycling, as well as the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame.